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Direct return flight from Glasgow to New York (21st - 26th November) - Free Travel Club member account required

Direct return flight from Glasgow to New York (21st - 26th November) - Free Travel Club member account required

Valid to: 10/01/23 13:40
Deal score: 315
Valid to: 10/01/23 13:40

Good price for a direct flight to New York departing from Glasgow in late November. Please note only the date combination mentioned in the title (21st - 26th November) is available at the £228.65 price.

Please note you will need to create a free Jet 2 Travel Club account (this account is free) before booking, as you are required to have an account in order to apply the code WINTER15 at checkout. Hand luggage only else checked luggage is £60p/p.

You will need an ETSA to enter the US ($14)

US Travel Advice and Security Information



Deal score: 315