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Samsung RS52N3303SL American Fridge Freezer With Water Dispenser - Silver - £599 (With Code) @ Appliance City

Samsung RS52N3303SL American Fridge Freezer With Water Dispenser - Silver - £599 (With Code) @ Appliance City

Valid to: 10/01/23 13:40
Deal score: 372
Valid to: 10/01/23 13:40

This fantastic American style fridge freezer from Samsung is the perfect option for any home.

With a 520 litre capacity, holding 28 bags of food shopping, you can stock up on all your favourite foods, and with a handy wine rack to keep your precious bottles secure, this fridge freezer is ideal for larger family households. It features an All-Around Cooling system which evenly circulates cool air inside the fridge, keeping your food perfectly fresh on every shelf for much longer, so you can cut down on your weekly shopping and your food lasts longer. Thanks to its superb A+ energy rating, this fridge freezer is a great money saver.


Deal score: 372