Groupon Discount Codes & Deals
Groupon is the perfect place to find the best local deals and getaway deals. Find great restaurants, activities, food delivery and takeaway deals and much more on Groupon.
Did you know that you can usually apply a Groupon discount code / promo code / voucher code when purchasing a deal? The overview on this page features all of the most recent and valid Groupon discount codes and the best prices for getaway deals in the UK. All of these were collected by the Spydeals community to help you save money on Groupon.
If you have found a Groupon discount code or deal that has not been added to Spydeals yet, make sure to share it! Together we can keep Spydeals the best deals community on the Internet!
Groupon discount codes usually give a maximum discount of 20%. However, some of the deals found on Groupon's website may already be the best deals for specific product or getaway without even having applied the discount code.
The shipping fee depends on your deal. Tickets are often send digitally, whereas Groupon charges shipping fees for products that need to be shipped physically. The shipping fee is always listed on the Groupon deal page.
You can reach Groupon's customer support via this page. Select why you would like to contact Groupon. The instructions should be self-explanatory from there.
Groupon allows its customers to pay by credit card and debit cards that can be processed as credit (Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Maestro). Alternatively, you can also pay using PayPal or Klarna.
The shipping fees are dependent on the Groupon deal you have selected. Tickets for getaways such as theme parks are usually sent digitally, whereas products need to be shipped physically. The shipping fees vary from product to product, because they also vary in size and weight. The shipping and handling fee can always be found on the product page.
If you would like to return your Groupon deal or get a refund, please consult Groupon's website. Groupon's return policy varies per product, so it is best to check directly with them whether your purchase is eligible to be returned. Products can typically be returned up to 14 days after purchase.
Groupon has its own app which can be downloaded from the App Store and the Google Play Store. The app allows you to browse and search deals and you can redeem them directly from your phone!
Check the Groupon discount codes in the overview on this page. Click on 'Show code' to view a discount code and copy it.
Head over to Groupon and select the deals or products that you would like to purchase. Once you are ready to check out, click on the shopping cart icon in the top right corner.
Now you will see the checkout. On the right-hand side is your order summary. Above your order total is the text 'Promo or gift code'. Click on this text and paste the discount code in the box that unfolds. Click on 'Apply' to receive your discount.
Fill out your personal details, select your payment method and pay for your order.
Enjoy your Groupon deal!
Groupon was founded in 2008. Since then, millions of people have purchased Groupon deals.
The name Groupon was derived from the words 'group' and 'coupon'.
In the TV Show 'Living on Groupon' one contestant travelled from the US to the UK while only living on Groupon deals.
As a merchant you can also promote your business using Groupon.
Discount | Description | Expires |
£28.80 off | Obtain an emergency assist breakdown cover for any age at Groupon for £28.80 | 30/09/2024 |
10% off | 10% off selected items at Groupon | 31/12/2024 |
£75.05 off | Achieve a London Britannia stay for 2 with breakfast as low £75.05 via Groupon | 30/09/2024 |
25% off | Upto 25% discount on Dining orders at Groupon | 30/09/2024 |
25% off | Get up to 25% off things to do at Groupon | 30/09/2024 |
Highest discount
October (30%)Most Discount codes
July (5)🛍️ Discount Codes: | 13 |
⚡ Best discount: | 25% |
🏷️ Deals: | 17 |
💲 Sales: | 15 |