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2 Night weekend break Cologne March - 4* Park Inn Radisson + Return Flights from Stansted = £58pp (£117 total) @

2 Night weekend break Cologne March - 4* Park Inn Radisson + Return Flights from Stansted = £58pp (£117 total) @

Valid to: 10/01/23 13:59
Deal score: 301
Valid to: 10/01/23 13:59

The 4* hotel is located just outside the city centre and gets good reviews. Double room for 2 nights works out at £97 for 28th to 30th March. Just over 20 minutes by car from the airport.

Return flights from Stansted to Cologne £10 each - sample date 28th March to 30th March

There are various £10 return flights in March from Stansted to Cologne including most weekend dates. Based on hand luggage.


Deal score: 301