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Etihad Airways - LHR to Melbourne or Sydney Return Flights from £575 (Mar, Apr, May, June, Nov) inc 23kg luggage via Flight Scout

Etihad Airways - LHR to Melbourne or Sydney Return Flights from £575 (Mar, Apr, May, June, Nov) inc 23kg luggage via Flight Scout

Valid to: 10/01/23 14:13
Deal score: 242
Valid to: 10/01/23 14:13

Etihad Airlines return flights from London Heathrow to Melbourne for £575 or London to Sydney from £590. Return flights to Brisbane are also available for a similar price. Deal link goes to Flight Scout powered by Skyscanner to show the different dates available in March , April, May, June and also November with one connection in Abu Dhabi for flights. Price includes 23kg luggage. The price quoted is booking via a third party travel agent e.g. Travelup, if you want to book directly at the airline prices are around £40 more.

Etihad Flight dates LHR to Melbourne from £575 return inc 23kg luggage

Number of dates available for March, April, May June and November.


Etihad Flight dates LHR to Sydney from £590 return inc 23kg luggage

Number of dates available for March, April, May June and November.


Etihad Flight dates LHR to Brisbane from £590 return inc 23kg luggage

Number of dates available for March, April, May June and November.



Deal score: 242