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Free Doritos Locos Tacos

Free Doritos Locos Tacos

Valid to: 10/01/2023 13:40
Deal score: 464
Valid to: 10/01/2023 13:40

Tomorrow is national Taco day and you can get a free Doritos Locos Tacos at Taco Bell. This is a new menu item that is being launched (has been in the US previously). Offer is valid for 4th October only, one per person, whilst stocks last instore.

Doritos Locos Tacos

The shell is made of Tangy Cheese Doritos. Inside the Taco is seasoned beef, shredded lettuce, and cheddar cheese. Based on the offer terms it looks as if you can substitute the beef for black beans if you prefer.


Deal score: 464