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Eurostar £29 ticket sale now on - London St Pancras to/from Paris, Brussels and Lille £29 each way

Eurostar £29 ticket sale now on - London St Pancras to/from Paris, Brussels and Lille £29 each way

Valid to: 10/01/23 13:58
Deal score: 317
Valid to: 10/01/23 13:58

Eurostar £29 ticket sale now on
London St Pancras to/from Paris, Brussels and Lille
Each way, when booked as a return trip*:
£29 Standard class
£70 Standard Premier

Book by: 29th October 2019
Travel: 5th November to 23rd January 2020
(terms and date exclusions apply

Our Eurostar sale tips:
To get the promotional fares, you'll need to search for a return trip.
Whilst you’ll find most availability on midweek trains, there are some dates which aren't part of the sale:
08.11.2019 to 11.11.2019
29.11.2019 to 1.12.2019
06.12.2019 to 08.12.2019
13.12.2019 to 15.12.2019
19.12.2019 to 05.01.2020

And, for a treat, why not upgrade to Standard Premier? These tickets include complimentary food and drinks, served at generously


Deal score: 317